Dr. Kevin Stepp, MD - Urogynecology and Laparoscopic Surgery - Charlotte, NC
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Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy
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laparoscopic hysterectomy
  laparoscopic hysterectomy

Unfortunately about 65% of hysterectomies in the United States are performed through a large abdominal incision. That is just too many given all that we know about minimally invasive surgery. If you suffer from heavy bleeding, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, or ovarian cysts and you’ve been told you need a hysterectomy, have it done minimally invasively. With a skilled surgeon, about 95% of women should qualify for a minimally invasive or laparoscopic hysterectomy. If you can't find a surgeon locally that can perform your hysterectomy either vaginally or laparoscopically, than contact Dr. Stepp, a board certified urogynecologist, to discuss your situation.

Benefits of laparoscopy include:

  • Better visualization
  • The procedure can often be done outpatient, or involves an overnight hospital stay
  • Less pain medication is required
  • Fewer complications
  • Smaller (hardly visible) scars
  • Back to work sometimes in as little as 1 week.

What about laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy?

Dr. Stepp performs laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy however he is not dedicated to any one particular technique. After a thorough history and physical examination he will sit down and discuss all the options, risks, and benefits. Many women chose not to remove their cervix or ovaries after an informed discussion – but that decision is made with the patient, not for the patient

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